~ KOHL RABI Seed ~

If you don't know it, then you should. This is well worth growing as it comes ready right at the start of summer when there aren't many other vegetables available.

Kohl Rabi is a really easily-grown vegetable from the cabbage family that makes a large round ball just above ground. The inside is tender, and has a wonderful flavour that can best be described as partway between courgette and broccoli.

You sow it in spring for harvest in summer, and you can also sow in mid summer to store and use overwinter. It keeps well and is nice raw or cooked, slices even make a healthy lunchbox snack.

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This beautiful and tasty kohl rabi was released in 1976. It has been bred for quick production of intensely blue (almost purple) bulbs.

The main sowings are throughout spring for consumption all summer, but it can also be sown in June for a nice autumn harvest.

Quick, for fresh eating

200 seed £


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A traditional variety that makes large green bulbs – often around 4 kg in weight or even more! It has been bred for good winter storage qualities. We grow it very successfully in two ways:

A few years back we found a sack of these in March that we'd put away overwinter in our shed and forgotten; they were great, just the same as when harvested the previous autumn. Still tender, nice raw or cooked, and a welcome addition to our spring diet.

Huge and reliable, eat fresh, but also good for storage.

200 seed £


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A very fine Gigant Kohl Rabi modelled by Andrew Zukowska!