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'Mammoth' Fennel

This fantastic strain from Italy grows well in the UK, forming a really nice big white bulb (though 'mammoth' is overstating it a tad in our opinion) with less tendency to bolt than other varieties that we have tried.

Consistently popular every year, it’s one we rely on in the veg patch.

Good for salads or cooking. Sow after mid-summer for autumn harvest

250 seed £


Small screen: Turn your device sideways to view sowing calendar.

= normal sowing & harvest time = also possible depending on conditions

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'Colossal' Fennel

Another excellent strain of fennel from Italy, again named with a certain amount of excessive enthusiasm, but we find that this does make good big bulbs without any fuss, and is quite reliable in the UK climate.

A reliable large fennel. Sow after mid-summer for autumn harvest

250 seed £


Small screen: Turn your device sideways to view sowing calendar.

= normal sowing & harvest time = also possible depending on conditions

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'Mantovano' Spring-sowable Fennel

Fennel is normally sown in mid-summer, as it tends to bolt (go straight to seed) if planted in Spring. But this variety was bred for spring sowing, with strong bolt resistance. It produces a nice white bulb, with a slightly flattened shape. It can of course also be sown later in the year as normal.

- 200 seed £


When? Bolt resistant, particularly worth trying for spring sowing and a summer harvest.

Small screen: Turn your device sideways to view sowing calendar.

= normal sowing & harvest time = also possible depending on conditions

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Perfection Fennel

A new fennel that we have really enjoyed growing for the past few years. It has an excellent flavour. A superior fennel, making large bulbs, it was awarded 1st place for flavour in the Organic Seed Alliance 2007 Fennel Trials.

It is sadly a little more expensive than the others - it doesn't make that many seed - but if you can afford it, it is an excellent variety of fennel to grow.

Very rare. Not always available, consider keeping your own seed.

200 seed, organic £


Small screen: Turn your device sideways to view sowing calendar.

= normal sowing & harvest time = also possible depending on conditions