Here is a printable calendar telling you what you can sow when, sorted by the months of the year. To use it, just run your finger down the month that you are in and find the dark green or light green squares to show you what you could plant now.

We thought this might be really useful to print out and stick on the wall of your potting shed or fold it up and put it inside your seed box, to help you plan your planting.

The image below is optimised for viewing on screen - you can pinch to zoom in on mobiles - but if you want to print one, we have prepared this PDF for you to download. (We've tried to design it so it is readable whether printed in B&W or in colour).

plant picture

And . . . while you're here, did you spot we are now doing gorgeous organic cotton Harvest Tote Bags to bring your veg home?

tote bag

They're on their own page over here.